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Election Procedures and Filing Deadlines

A five-person Board of Directors governs the Apple Valley Foothill County Water District, each member of which must be a resident of the District.  Residents of the District elect members of the Board.  The next election for a Board seat will be held in November 2026.

For the 2022 General Election results, click here.

Anyone seeking the office of a Board member may go to the elections office website and take advantage of the candidate application process. A candidate may complete their candidate information page and, if desired, input their candidate statement. The candidate must still come into the office (22545 Del Oro Road, Apple Valley, CA 92308) to complete the filing to become a candidate.  Declarations of Candidacy for eligible candidates desiring to file for elective offices may be obtained from the Elections Office and filed in person.

Each candidate for nonpartisan elective office may prepare a Candidate’s Statement pursuant to Section 13307 of the Elections Code.  Such statements may include the name, age, and occupation of the candidate and a brief description of no more than 200 words of the candidate’s education and qualifications expressed by the candidate.  Each statement shall be included in the Sample Ballot, mailed to each voter.

Each candidate filing a statement will be required to pay their pro rata share in advance as a condition of having their statement included in the Sample Ballot.

Current law requires all candidates to file a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) with the county elections office, where they file their declaration of candidacy. These forms can be found on the FPPC website and are due no later than the final filing date for the declaration of candidacy.  To obtain information regarding filing, call the Elections Office at (909) 387-8300 or visit their website for the Candidates Handbook at sbcountyelections.

If there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for each office and a petition for an election is not timely filed, an appointment to such office shall be made pursuant to Elections Code Section 10515.

Qualifications of a nominee and an elective officer of the district:

The resident elector must reside within the District boundaries.


The term of each Board member (other than a member appointed to fill a vacancy) is four years. The directors’ terms of office are staggered; continuity in policy and administration is achieved by providing that a portion of the board member is elected at one general district election and the remaining portion is elected two years later at the general district election held in that year. The general election for the district is held in November of each even-numbered year, providing that the election of the governing Board members for the District be held on the same day as the statewide general election and extending the terms of present Board members as allowed.


Vacancies in the office of the director are filled as provided by law. The pertinent code sections provide that the remaining Board members may fill the vacancy by appointment or by calling an election to fill the vacancy. Either action must be taken within 60 days of the vacancy. If the Board fails to act on this matter within 60 days of the vacancy, then the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors may fill the vacancy within 90 days or order the district to call an election to fill the vacancy. If the Board of Supervisors fails to act, an election becomes mandatory.

Before making an appointment, a notice of vacancy must be posted in three or more conspicuous places in the District at least 15 days before the appointment. Persons appointed to fill a vacancy hold office until the next general district election and thereafter until the person elected at such election to fill the vacancy has been qualified. Persons elected to fill a vacancy hold office for the unexpired balance of the term of office.

Assuming Office

Directors elected or appointed at a general district election take office at noon on the last Friday in November (the same month in which the general district election is held). Persons appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of director take office immediately upon taking and subscribing to the official oath and filing it with the secretary of the District. Directors elected or appointed at a general district election must also take and subscribe to the official oath and file it with the secretary of the District before assuming office.

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